eDiscovery Solutions

The core of what we offer our Denver area legal clients, critical tasks and proven strategies that ensure you’re prepared for any scenario. Hands-on attention and state of the art technology assets that deliver reliable solutions.

For more information contact jobs@marathondocs.net or 303.607.9999

Preservation & Collections

Marathon Discovery Solutions helps its clients implement a collection strategy to ensure that collections are completed in a manner that is legally defensible and proportionate to the matter at hand using available internal resources supplemented by Marathon Discovery Solutions resources that can perform unique collections when necessary. Marathon Discovery Solutions collection capabilities span from targeted corporate server data and e-mail stores, to mobile phones, social media, internet-based data collections, and more.

We can provide collections expertise on Office 365 collections, reducing the amount of data collected, saving you money downstream and decreasing discovery response time.

Processing & Hosting Solutions

  • Early Case Assessment: During this stage, Marathon Discovery Solutions is able to utilize available early case assessment technology including deduplication, search terms, date and file type restrictions to cull documents and reduce the data that needs to be processed, reducing expense at the processing stage and downstream hosting costs.
  • Processing: Once data has been collected and moves to the processing stage to extract associated metadata, Marathon Discovery Solutions utilizes specialized workflows and tracking, so that data can be re-used in future matters without the need to recollect the same data from the same custodian or source, saving our clients’ money and time. We also provide full error reporting ensuring a defensible audit trail as data is processed and published to the review and production database.
  • Database Hosting Offerings: Marathon Discovery Solutions offers a variety of advanced technology solutions to its clients. For most matters, we believe Relativity would provide the most comprehensive database solution. Relativity contains a full suite of analytics [Analytics overview @ relativity.com]  to be leveraged and customized no matter the case size or scope.

Document Review

The single most expensive phase of Discovery is document review. Marathon Discovery Solutions utilizes an agnostic approach with its review platforms led by a certified case management team. MDS provides comprehensive best-of-breed technology to significantly reduce the number of documents for review and, in turn, provides more cost containment and certainty. The following are examples of Marathon Discovery Solutions utilizing technology and processes to optimize review for our managed services clients:

  • Leveraged Analytics (Threading, Clustering, Inclusive Thread Review – looking only at the most inclusive e-mail within e-mail threads)
  • Methodical Term Review (reviewing only documents that hit on search terms and only moving to the family documents if the initial document with the search term hit is responsive)
  • Technology Assisted Review (TAR) using Continuous Active Learning (CAL) technologies